Permanent Make Up

What is it?

Also known as micro-pigmentation, PMU is a procedure that injects tiny amounts of pigment into the dermal layers of your skin. Giving you the perfect ready to go look without hours in front of the mirror trying to get those brows symmetrical. Also we enhance lips with some blush and eyeliner to thicken your lash line.

Does is it hurt?

Everyone has a different pain threshold. Some say it is a tad uncomfortable whilst others fall asleep.

Is it permanent?

SPMU & PMU both names are used and refer to the same thing. The facial skin and pigments mean we work at a different level to a traditional tattoo, which means results do fade. However, I cannot guarantee that the results will fade entirely. The term semi-permanent can be misleading which is why I refer to it as Permanent.

Will the area be scabby afterwards?

The areas do differ in how much they peel. This normally occurs day 4/5 so make sure you have no special outings for at least 7 days after.

Can you cover any previous work?

This is what consultation time is for, as I will need to see the previous work in person. Depending on how long previous and how much saturation is left. I may send you to get tattoo removal before carrying out any procedure.

Before & After Powder Brows
Powder Brow Before & After
Lip Blush Before & After